Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Keep your eye on the ball

Keep your eye on the ball
Don’t lose sight of what’s really important.  In our business, that is our students.  We all have curriculums to follow, laws, policies, rules and directives to live by.  These things must be done and done well, but what makes our school special and unique is you.  There is something unique about each of you and something you offer our student population that the person next door does not.  It takes all of us working together using our unique talents and abilities to provide an educational experience second to none.  Don’t let someone else define who you are and don’t lose sight of what matters most.  I had a friend that had experienced some recent hardship give me some advice that’s worth sharing with each of you.  “Don’t sweat the small stuff, but do notice and enjoy the small wonderful things about life.”  Keep your eye on the ball.  Go Hillbillies!

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