Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Welcome to the Future!

Ozark School District is looking into several ways to grow with our students.  The Board of Directors recently approved an E-Reader Acceptable Use Policy for our students.  The students of OSD enjoy using Kindles, Nooks, I-Pads and various other devices to devour text.  We like to see our students use new technology and are trying to stay current with them and challenge our students in new ways. 
School Administrators are studying things like a student “bring your own device” policy for the foreseeable future.  This would enable students to bring laptops, I-pads and other portable devices to be used for research, study and project based learning.  Ozark School District is a leader in technology services to our students and we intend to remain so.  A sensible plan to enable many students that have these types of devices to bring them to school and use them would get us a lot closer to having a machine for each student.  At the least, it only makes sense that it would put more technology in our students’ hands. 
There are issues to be ironed out and more studies to conduct, but these are exciting challenges as we look into the future.  Ozark School District students are amazing and while we strive to challenge them, in turn we are challenged by them. 
Together We Are Strong!  Go Hillbillies!