Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Great week at OSD!  We had our annual report to the public and regular monthly board meeting on Monday.  All of the building principals, curriculum coordinator and a few teachers had great presentations for our board and audience.  It was a great night. 

Many wonderful things were discussed and acted on and I'll mention a couple of Board items. 

OSD board of directors awarded a contract for a new Safe Room.  I'm excited about getting this project off the ground in the very near future. 

We also discussed Coordinated School Health and making this a priority for our school district.  Ozark has a lot of great leadership in the area of school health services, Coordintated School Health will help coordinate all of our efforts and look for new ways to meet student needs. 

I got to visit the Ozark Middle School EAST lab today.  This place is really innovative and engaging.  The students are currently working on a "Hillbilly" Mobile App for I-Phones or Android systems.  They're making great progress and are looking for more ideas and things to add.  If you have suggestions as to what you might like to see on the Hillbilly App, let us know!

This is a great example of some Project Based Learning going on in our Middle School. 

Have a great week!  Go Hillbillies! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

OSD Superintendent's Blog

Hello!  I am very excited to start a new way to communicate with you as Ozark's Superintendent of Schools.  This is my first blog, so I don't really know what I am getting into here...  :)  My intention will be to keep you up to date on Ozark School District happenings and open new doors of communication and interaction.  I appreciate the support you provide the students of Ozark School District.  Together We Are Strong!  Check back often for updates.  Have a great weekend!