At the bottom of my business card, it says "Excellence in Education." This is something we strive for here at Ozark Schools. I dug in a bit to this idea of "excellence" and my thoughts are as follows...
Excellence is a choice we all have the opportunity to make. It is a commitment to something that is of utmost importance to the person making the commitment. We have to decide what is important enough to us to make a commitment this challenging. We must realize we can’t be excellent at everything. If your desire is to be excellent in every area of your life, you’ll end up being spread too thin and probably good in a lot of areas, but truly excellent in nothing.
What areas of your life do you want to be excellent in? It is my hope that school is an area you would be willing to commit. It is an area in my life that I’ve committed to being excellent in.
Excellence is often times very challenging and can be scary!!
When my daughter was very young and working on sleeping in her own bed she told me the following:
“Daddy, sometimes you’re scared and then you just get used to it and get over it.” When you are committed to doing something, we all have this to face. New Ground is exciting for all of us, but also scary and out of our comfort zone.
When I think about excellence it means that something far exceeds expectations. Getting more than you paid for!! Classroom that is clean, organized, decorated and the teacher is brilliant, friendly, engaging and excited to have you in class.
Excellence is being better today than you were yesterday. Better tomorrow than you are today. (Day to Day commitment) You are never finished with Excellence… You never arrive.
"We are what we constantly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle
Go Hillbillies!!