College and Career Ready
I hear the College and Career Ready catchphrase used a lot in terms of what kind of “product” public schools are trying to produce. It is important because our mission involves our students being ready to take on the future as leaders, innovators and contributors. Ozark School District is striving to provide opportunities for our students to accomplish this mission. We are also always striving to increase the opportunities for our students, while operating responsibly within our budget.
Some examples of this are the Concurrent Credit offerings available at Ozark High School. Concurrent Credit is simply a class that can count for a High School Graduation Credit and a College Course. Next year, through our partnership with ATU Ozark, we are planning to have the following list of Concurrent Credit options available on OHS campus, at no charge for Ozark High School students:
English Comp 1
English Comp 2
College Algebra
Database Management (Business)
Spreadsheets (Business)
Allied Health: Medical Terminology, Certified Nursing Assistant
Paramedic: Medical First Responder, Certified Emergency Response Training
Law Enforcement: Introduction to Law Enforcement, Criminal Civil and Juvenile Law
Striving to answer the call to “College and Career Ready” is driven by student need and interest. Students have the opportunity to obtain some “College” credit while still in High School. This puts them on the path to making better informed decisions about their future. Parents and students, please take full advantage of the offerings that fit your needs and plans. We have to have a significant amount of student interest to fund these classes, so get signed up and allow us to partner with you in making your dreams a reality.
Watch for future blogs on other unique programs available right here. Thank you for your continued partnership in educating our PreK-12 Grade Students. You are a very special, supportive group to partner with on this important task. Together, We Are Strong! Go Hillbillies!